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Alan brunwin Author

launching of my three children’s books now on Amazon e/books for people to buy, “Snellie’s new home” and “That’s the way I’ve been made” and “Tigwell’s loud Roar!

All three books are fully illustrated picture books, for ages 4 to 6 Some of these books have already been read at local schools and the Library , the response from children was excellent, they loved the stories and bright pictures when they were shown for the first time on a large TV screen in local the library using a CD player. All 0f my children’s books have been created for the world market. My good friend Actress Jean Boht is going to voice over a story for me soon, plus with local school using Alan's stories as their theme week "That's the way I've been made"

Alan Supporting;

"Help UK's Aged"
animal Charity
Royal British Legion
Help for Hero's
Cancer trust
Domestic abuse
Children help line.
Poor people of the UK
British heart foundation.

Kids Corner UK, helping childen into a creative world.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Stories by Alan Brunwin:

Snellie's new Home" another Brilliant picture story book by Alan Brunwin: Alan Brunwin kindle:                               Alan Brunwin and Tigwell the Tiger children's book  “Snellie’s new home” and “That’s the way I’ve bee...